How To Have A High Yield With A Small Plot Vegetable Garden

🍃 Grow through what you go through 🍂 bee crow design dog illustration illustrator leaf leaves mentalhealth nature nature illustration poster quote snail squirrel type typeography wellnessWith the markets being held every fortnight we had to find ways to ensure that we had enough supplies to last until the next market, without wasting any of the food. To tackle this problem we came up with some suggestions to make your fruit and vegetables last longer.

Don’t pollute! Let them see you picking up trash that you find near your home, in your neighborhood or at the local park. Ask how they would feel if someone came into our home and threw their trash on the floor. Explain that the earth is our home too and we need to help take care of it and keep it clean.

Remember above when I mentioned getting 2 pineapples for $1 last Saturday? Well, as I was leaving the produce area at the large supermarket, I noticed this: $3.99 pineapples!

local vegetables The variety of vegetables that are available is vast. You can choose what you like based on taste, quantity of yield, how good it looks and also how much you can save by growing your own. The benefits just seem to go on and on. What is stopping you from learning how to grow vegetables?

One way you can start is to decide what vegetables and salads you like to eat most. Many natural health doctors tell us we should eat locally grown food, as it will be fresher. At this point, you will become aware of what is grown locally, as that is most likely what you can grow too.

So, I know it’s easy to forget the bags in your car, but really, it’s worth the trip back out to get them. Take it one step further and bring your cloth bags to ALL of the places you shop: clothing stores, hardware stores, the farmer’s market, bookstores. Cloth bags are easier to carry and frankly, I feel oddly contradictory when I buy organic bananas and put them in a plastic bag,that the bagger then puts in a plastic bag. Don’t you?

Do not be put off by the price: Fruits and vegetables from the farmers market will definitely be a bit more expensive than those from the supermarket. But keep in mind that supermarket produce arrives at its destination via a highly efficient distribution system that has been perfected over the years to maximize profits for the store and its corporate suppliers. Small farmers do not have this distribution system. They do all the legwork themselves. Remember this when shopping the farmers market, and remember that supporting local producers and benefiting the environment are worth the marginal amount of extra money.

Integrate daily rituals to renew yourself. And with this I mean – find opportunities to connect with the divine feminine. This practice has been especially helpful when I find myself in overwhelm mode or just plain fatigued. I step back and follow a ritual that I like. Sometimes I might just talk out loud to the divine feminine and let out my frustration, it could be a prayer at the altar in my home office, it could be sitting out on my deck and connecting with Nature for a few moments, or wildly dancing. Any of these practices will stir up the energy in you and totally renews you. Trust me on this!

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